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I believe we all share a common hope for a better Nigeria: a Nigeria where people are trusted because truth or honesty prevails as a common virtue; a Nigeria where each person holds the other accountable since all know their responsibility as adults in building and maintaining a decent society; a Nigeria where elected leaders understand the rules of public trust and will prefer death than tarnish their name; a Nigeria where social utilities are not luxuries but basic necessities that define a functional society; a Nigeria where everyone is safe to practice his/her faith, do his business, or just live anywhere one prefers, aspire to any office, without any form of discrimination or harassment; a Nigeria where every able hand is engaged in work that edifies, everyone participates in building a future we will all be proud to leave for our children/grandchildren, and future generations.

This Nigeria of our dreams must be constantly visualized as an idea, first to ourselves, and then to our children. But even after this, it can only be realized if, and only if, the necessary moral virtues for building and maintaining such a decent society are inculcated among citizens. If we work hard at both, it is certain that someday such a “Dream-Nigeria” will emerge as a socio-political reality as more citizens take responsible actions. Hence, it is true that we become what we think, for “ideas rule the world.” It is equally true that our actions shape who or what we become. Therefore, both the conceptualization of a better society and inculcating of the virtues that build such a society are part of the essence of good education. Unfortunately, today, education is often seen as concerned merely with acquisition of knowledge or skills at the detriment of values that build good character and without which building a good and strong society or nation is an illusion.

The idea of a Dominican University was born in response to a tripartite problem: 1) The fast receding quality-line of our education; 2) The crisis of moral decadence in our citadels of higher learning; 3) The endemic nature of corruption in our socio-political life. One simple example suffices to underscore the above: parents no longer have a clue as to what their children will learn or become once they enter most Nigerian Universities. They are horrified not just by the specter of “graduating-empty-heads,” but more petrified by losing their loved ones to either the cults, drugs, to the insidious tertiary “prostitution” cartels, to low level lecturers that must be “sort” by students or be marked down; or simply to the inevitable malformation that results from spending years in an institution that runs without a functional moral code or orientation necessary for a holistic formation of young adults. To tackle these ills, we distilled certain core values that will drive our educational objectives. For example, excellence is one of such “core values,” but we seek excellence not just in academics but in moral character as well.

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Our pledge is to provide our students with the highest quality of education possible because “excellence” is a virtue that is important to us as it is irrevocably linked to protecting our brand-name and a sacred tradition.

A cult-free, “sort”- free, and secure environment so that our children can concentrate on things that matter to securing their future.

A research and leadership center where innovation will be incubated and future leaders with a passion for building a decent society will be painstakingly groomed.

Our students will be formed to value honesty, honor and integrity as the backbone of character and the immovable pillars of building a functionally healthy society.

We Need Your Help

We are hoping that anyone reasonably concerned about the future of our children and the unity and prosperity of this country will support our effort to build this University of our dream.


We therefore invite those who believe in the long tradition of Dominicans or the Catholic Church in safe-guarding both good education and sacred social values (this cuts across religious divides; many Moslem brothers/sisters value catholic education) to partner with us in rescuing our tertiary education and help in no small way in rebuilding our country one institution at a time.

Join the Donation League Today

Your generous donation (either in cash or kind) will be deeply appreciated. We hope to honor major donors in some visible way in the University, at some point in future, but with their permission. Please note below our account and contact details:

Cheques or Bank transfers to following account name and number:

Dominican University Dev. Project Fund
Zenith Bank 1015379011.

Dominican University Project:
Fidelity Bank 4110008373.

Dominican University:
Globus Bank 1000044575.

Dominican University Project Consolidated Fund:
GTB 0247500748.

If you need further information on how you can collaborate with us in achieving this dream, please call: 0814-0000-202 or 09086055555 or email: or or


Loodgieter Den Haag